Paper Submission

Papers should report on original research relevant to any of the areas of computer applications with experimental and theoretical results, case studies and technology demonstrations. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of not more than 8 pages of double column text.

Each submission should also enclose the following information: paper title, author name, abstract as well as the contact information of the responsible author (postal address, e-mail address, and phone and fax numbers). Paper will be accepted only by electronic submission if possible, by email attachment.

All submitted technical papers will undergo a formal review process on the basis of technical quality, originality, significance and clarity. Prospective authors are expected to present their paper at the conference. Conference proceedings will be published both on paper and electronically and will be available to all the conference participants.

Paper submission guideline and paper format can be downloaded here:

Submission Deadline : 30th November, 2024
Acceptance Notification : 20th December, 2024
Camera Ready Due : 31st December, 2024

Registration Fees
Foreign Participants : USD 200
Local Participants : 200,000 Kyats
0 Years
0 Lecturers
0 Enrollment
0 Graduates


Previous Programming Contest

MCPC 2019

2019 Myanmar Collegiate Programming Contest

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ICPC 2018

2018 ICPC Asia-Yangon Regional Programming Contest

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2018 Myanmar Collegiate Programming Contest

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ICPC 2017

2017 ACM-ICPC Asia-Yangon Regional Programming Contest

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2017 Myanmar Collegiate Programming Contest

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ICPC 2016

2016 Asia-Yangon Regional Programming Contest

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2016 Asia-Yangon National Programming Contest

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