International Conference on
Computer Applications

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Presentation Guidelines

Both pre-recorded videos of oral and poster presentations, will appear during the scheduled time of the conference as live session. Each live conference session will display the presentation video, followed by the Q&A session moderated by the Session Chairs.

The presenter of oral presentation must appear during his/her 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A session.
The presenter of poster presentation must appear for Q&A session during the poster session his/her paper includes.

We request you to prepare and upload a video of your presentation. Video upload link will appear on dashboard of author with paper acceptance.

Presentation video is requested to be submitted by 10th February 2021 with the following guidelines:

  • A 15-minute video for oral presentation
  • A 10-minute video for poster presentation

Please be sure the video includes the title of the paper and the authors. Papers assigned to a poster session could either use a traditional slide format.

  • File Format
:mp4, <100MB, showing the presenter's face in a small window
  • Filename format
:PaperID_FirstAuthorName.mp4 (for presentation)

We recommend the presenters to record video presentations using Zoom.

Please follow the Instructions for recording your presentation video which can be found at:

Please contact our Technical Team, (+95-9-428121862) for any inconvenience in video uploading.